Dance Acting Cullercoats Whitley Bay
Early Years
Playgroup, Nursery and Reception
Talented Tots and Dance Classes

Talented Tots, is a pre-school drama class designed to build and improve confidence, concentration, communication and creativity through fun and unique theatre activities including poetry, creative play and storytelling.
Students will take part in theatre based activities which will aid personal, social and emotional development, expand their understanding of the world and their ability to express themselves in a group and independently.
ATDA Dance classes are designed to be lively and are all about having fun with dance, movement and physical activities to music. Sessions are full of energy and aim to improve co-ordination, fitness and flexibility, whilst developing independence and confidence. Sessions are exciting, educational and energetic and use a wide range of equipment from pom poms and hula hoops to rhythm sticks and bean bags.

All our sessions have been developed to support the Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS.